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buy primobolan injection.Primobolan injection administration by intramuscular injection. Take now Primobolan Injection to win big in power. Normal dosage for bodybuilders: 200mg-600mg a week cycle of steroids, the dose of Primobolan injection brings great fast anabolic effects of high quality muscle gain. Buy Primobolan injection in our shop steroids and anabolic see a massive gain in weight, size and strength.
buy primobolan depot online , Primobolan (primo), chemical name Methenolone Enanthate, is by far the most popular injectable anabolic androgenic steroid (AAS) for cutting cycles. buy primobolan uk ,The only steroid that’s more popular in cutting cycles is trenbolone. You’re probably wondering the reason why it’s so popular, I’m not sure where the rumor came from, some say Pumping Iron (the movie) others say Arnold said it in an interview. Though, there is historical accuracy in the rumor mill. The “old-school” bodybuilders did use primobolan for cutting cycles and even bulking cycles. buy primobolan online ,There are a myriad of primobolan and dianabol, anavar cycles, which keeps lending credibility to primo as an all around sterois,buy oral primobolan,
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primobolan for sale, How to use Methenolone? And at what dosages? The problem with primobolan is the price vs. results value. You need to use fairly high doses to get good results.primobolan for sale in usa For men, injectable dosages should be 600-800mgs per week or higher, and oral dosages should be around 75-100mgs per day. For women, I suggest using only oral primobolan. Around 10mgs per day seems to be a good amount to start with. You should play with the dosage but never go over 20mgs per day.primobolan steroid for sale.primobolan for sale online
Primobolan is considered as a fairly weak steroid. Its anabolic/androgenic ratings are low and it’s one of the weakest steroids on paper; though, it is stronger than masteron. Since masteron is always related to cutting cycles, on paper primo should gain credibility as a cutting steroid. Primo has a huge advantage over most steroids, as it’s stronger than testosterone in binding to the androgen receptor. As with most dihydrotestosterone (DHT) related AAS, it’s a good aid for fat loss. In addition, primo doesn’t aromatize, so you won’t need an aromatase inhibitor (AI) or SERM with it. Interesting fact, primobolan was tested by old-school bodybuilders as gynecomastia (gyno) treatment back in the 70s and 80s. As strange as it sounds, it has been medically proven to reduce breast tumors in women (which are mainly estrogen related). Since primobolan increases nitrogen retention, it’s been touted as anti-catabolic, and somewhat anabolic (which can be disputed). In simple terms, it helps you keep your muscle mass while you’re dieting. That’s one of the biggest reasons it’s used on cutting cycles. Anecdotally, evidence shows that by using primobolan during low-calorie diets (even 20-30% below your BMR), you can keep your current lean muscle while gaining new muscle tissue. While this seems to be against basic understanding of nutrition, we’ll chuck this one to the magic of steroidskk